Coping With Anxiety

Anxiety covers a wide range of problems from stress to panic attacks, compulsions, phobias or nervous illness. Anxiety and fear trigger the release of hormones such as adrenalin, which then [...]

What Is OCD?

Over the next few weeks I am going to tell you about OCD, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. So you can get a better understanding of them. This week I’m going to start with OCD. The OCD list [...]

Life Balance

Today, I would like you to look at your life balance. Below, I’ve made a list of ways to ensure your life is balanced. If you’re currently letting a large amount of commitments get in [...]

Muscle Relaxation

Before this muscle relaxation, why not try my calm breathing exercise. Follow this muscle relaxation with a relaxing guided visualisation. Here’s a quick and easy way to release muscle [...]

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