I felt I need to write a short blog on surviving Christmas. Christmas can be great fun but can often bring on stresses.

Check out my calm breathing blog and remember as you breathe out, blow away the Christmas stress. We seem to forget what Christmas means. The birth of Jesus of course! Family time, fun, games and food. We can get so stressed on the run up to Christmas that we forget what it means. It’s the only time nearly the whole world is in tune with each other. It’s a special day.

Here’s a few suggestions to minimise stress: 

  • If you feel alone with no family why not volunteer to help others? You could help cooking and serving the homeless or visit someone who is alone. Go to a local charity and ask if they need your help. Surrounding yourself with other people will be great for you & you’ll feel empowered by doing so.
  • Stop trying to make it the perfect Christmas. It’s impossible and you will set yourself up for a fall. Try to be positive instead of negative not just at Christmas but in all areas of life. Sometimes we can spiral into negative thoughts especially at Christmas when we have so much to do on top of normal life.
  • Get everyone to help, don’t be a martyr.
  • Get someone to help you collect the food or even better send someone else or get it delivered to your door.
  • Write a list of chores and share the jobs among your family.
  • When members of the family drive you mad, change that thought and be grateful for having them in your life.
  • Take a walk, time out is a good time to recharge your batteries.
  • Add a relaxing candle or diffuser on your Christmas list. Lovely smelling candles can calm us down, especially lavender.
  • If you feel you might drink too much over the festive period, I’d recommend adding a glass of water between each alcoholic drink.
  • If you’re alone and can’t volunteer, get a box of chocolates, look at all your favourite TV programmes, light a candle or read a book and enjoy the solitude. Or find someone else who is alone and spend Christmas together.

Whichever way you decide to spend Christmas, remember to enjoy it. It only happens once a year.

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